In other words, the Legal Fund fee payable could be less but not more than$ 2000 per head, barring unforeseen circumstances caused by the adverse party or not within our control. 换句话说,我们支付的法律基金费可能会是较少的,除非是辩方或在我们控制之外的不可预见的情况造成的,不然不会超过每人$2000。
From the perspective of the accused respondent, this sort of consultation is likely to seem just as unfair as any other ex parte communication by an adverse party. 从遭受指控的被告的角度讲,此类磋商看起来和敌对当事人的任何其他单方面接触一样的不公正。
If any government department having authority over any party requires any provision of this contract to be revised or imposes conditions or restrictions upon the implementation of this contract in a such a way as to cause significant adverse consequences to the JVC or any party; 如果对任何一方有管辖权的任何政府部门要求对合同的任何条款进行修改,或对本合同的履行规定条件或限制,从而对合营公司或任何一方造成重大的不利后果;
In making its determination, the panel should draw adverse inferences from instances of non-cooperation by any party involved in the information-gathering process. 专家组在作出确定时,应从信息收集过程所涉及的任何一方不予合作的事例作出反向推断。
Bankruptcy of a corporate entity in these circumstances may have large, adverse and avoidable consequences for people who were not party to the original agreements. 在这种情况下,一家企业的破产可能会不可避免地对那些并非原始协议方的人们造成巨大负面影响。
Last but not least, on account of the concealment of dormant partnership, it is possible to bring adverse effect on the bona fides third party and dormant partner. As for this, this thesis raises suggestions to establish restriction mechanism in order to eliminate unfavorable factors. 最后,由于隐名合伙制度设计的隐蔽性,有可能给隐名合伙人与善意第三人带来不利影响,故对此提出相关制约机制的立法建议。
Today, the adverse selection from the insured party is still one of the main obstacles to hinder the healthy development of our medical insurance industry. 现今,来自投保方的逆向选择仍然是阻碍我国医疗保险业健康发展的主要障碍之一。